One of the greatest poets of all time, the poet of “Erotokritos” states at the end of the recording that he was born and in Sitia. He was born on March 26, 1553, in the village of Trebizond, Sitia, a native of the family and was baptized in the summer of the same year.

He stayed in the area of Sitia, mainly in the villages of Trebizond and Piskokefalo, until 1587-1590, that is to say about the age of thirty-five “living the life of the feudal landowner in a multiplicity of servants, all of whom were Greek Orthodox”.

After March 20, 1585, Vicenzos Kornaros settled in Heraklion, near his two brothers, John and Andrew, where he acquired wealth from dowry or purchases. He had great literary interests and was one of the most active members of the Academy of the Stravaganti of Heraklion, founded by his brother Andreas. On September 8, 1590, He married Marietta Zeno, in the temple of the monastery of Saint Catherine, with whom she had two daughters, Katerina and Eleni. He was a member of the Council of Nobles of  Heraklion.

Vicentzos, after settling permanently in Heraklion, regularly visits his residence as his death, Sitia. Indeed, for a long time, from the end of 1598 to the end of 1600, he was living in the area of Sitia, where he still retained considerable wealth.

He died in Heraklion after August 12, 1613, and was buried in the monastery of Saint Francis. The poet Vitsentzos Kornaros wrote the works “Erotokritos” and “Sacrifice of Abraham”. In these two poems, Kornaros, as it is said by literary critics, with a rare power managed to translate their patterns into dramatic works with a flawless technique, a superior poetic breath, and perfectly fictitious characters.