Tzoulamas: Traditional sweet pie with rice

Ingredients (Pyrex 39 × 27):


3 hen liver

Salt Pepper

3 tablespoons of olive oil or butter

1.5 cups of Carolina or Glasse rice

4 cups of water

½ cup whitened almonds

1 cup of sugar

1 cup of raisins without peat

1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon

¼ teaspoon chopped carnation

½ teaspoon ground nutmeg


½ leave for pies or 6-9 leaves crust

Olive or butter for spreading the leaves

½ cup sugar1 spoon cinnamon1 cup milk

Preparation method:

Peel the almonds and cut them into quarters. We take the liver for one minute in water that is cooked and cut into small pieces. We put the butter or olive oil to burn and sabotage the liver. Salt the pepper and add the water. Once boiled, add rice cleaned and rinsed, and some salt still. Allow boiling for 15 minutes at moderate temperature until soft enough. Remove from the kitchen eye and cover with a clean towel for 10 minutes to pull off the liquids. Add the herbs, raisins, and nuts and stir them to go everywhere. We let it cool down. However, we prepare the sheet (if made homemade) and let it rest for half an hour. Separate it in 6-8 parts and open the leaflets to the size of the pot that will bake the soup. Lay the first one, smear olive oil and top up 1-2 more. Sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon and put half the filling. From the top, put two leaves still sprinkled with oil, sprinkle with cinnamon sugar and pour the rest of the filling. Cover with the other 2 or 3 (always dusted with olive oil).We ensure that the edges of the leaves are firmly joined together and the stuffing is entrapped inside. We cut the pie into square pieces and pour it with milk. Bake at 180 degrees (preheated oven), on the middle grill for about 1 hour or until golden the surface. Served once it has cooled slightly or at room temperature.

Categories: Recipes