“Sariki” we call the scarf that the Cretans wear on their heads. The word comes from the Turkish occupation and its root is in the Latin word “Kerasikon”, which was the overlay of Caesar’s head indicating the degree of power.
During the interwar period, the Cretans wore a red feather on their head, with a long tassel, but this has nothing to do with the Turkish feast. The scarf, before being renamed the “sariki,” was called the “petsa”.
According to historical findings, the Cretans wore the sariki from the late 15th century, a type of sariki, called “tzevre”, and when they were colorful they called it “lahuri”. The modern sariki made its appearance during the 20th century.
The sariki were usually worn on the head, wrapped around the head and let the edges fall gracefully to the side, that is to the temples. Another way to wear it is to fall on the shoulders, creating two ends that end up on the chest.
The sariki is a special embroidered scarf of great traditional value to the Cretans. It symbolizes the possession of the Turkish yoke in Crete, as well as the holocaust of the Arkadi Monastery. It is knit in two colors, white and black. White is usually worn on cheerful occasions and black is worn on mournful occasions, but it also shows honesty and pride.